2025_DMPMM_803826_1 Dated - 20/Jan/2025
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2024_DMPMM_782798_1 Dated - 11/Dec/2024

জনগণের প্রতি বার্তা

এক কিলো চাল মাপার ক্ষেত্রে যেমন এক কিলো চাল এবং এক কিলো ওজনের বাটখারা সঠিক হলে তবেই তুলাদন্ডটি সোজা হয়ে থাকে তেমনি সামাজিক নিরীক্ষার জন্য চাই সঠিক তথ্য ভান্ডার এবং সচেতন নাগরিক ।

আমি জানি, আমার গড়বেতাবাসী আদর্শ সচেতন নাগরিক। তাদের কথা মাথায় রেখেই এই ব্লকের সমস্ত তথ্য যাতে তারা সহজে আহরণ করতে পারে তার জন্যই এই Website -টি গড়বেতাবাসীকেই উৎসর্গ করা হলো।


সমষ্টি উন্নয়ন আধিকারিক
গড়বেতা-১ সমষ্টি উন্নয়ন আধিকারিকের করণ


Different schemes available for public

Nijo Griha Nijo Bhumi

NijoGrihaNijo Bhumi Prakalpo was launched on 18th October, 2011 by the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Govt. of West Bengal for providing 5 decimal of land to each identified eligible beneficiary family i.e. to all landless homesteadless agricultural labourers, village artisans and fishermen in rural areas.


Kanyashree Prakalpa

West Bengal has an adolescent (10-19 years) population of 1.73 Crores, out of which 48.11% are girls. At this period of adolescence, child marriage and trafficking are issues of major social concern which adversely affect the education, health, nutritional status, growth and development of girls.


Shilpa Sathi

Investors need to submit an array of application forms to different government departments to get relevant licenses and registrations according to existing procedures. It often resulted in un-necessary delays due to lack of inter-departmental co-ordination.


Nirmal Bangla

Nirmal Bangla is a mission to eliminate open defecation from the rural landscape of the state. It is the state counterpart of the national Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan. The mission aims at constructing latrines in households, especially in the uncovered households in the rural areas to ensure zero defecation in the open.

Gram Panchayats


Gram Panchayat


Gram Panchayat


Gram Panchayat


Gram Panchayat


Gram Panchayat


Gram Panchayat


Gram Panchayat


Gram Panchayat


Gram Panchayat


Gram Panchayat


Gram Panchayat


Gram Panchayat

Garhbeta Tourism

Bagri Krishnanagar Temple

Bagri Krishnanagar Old Temple of The Great Lord Krishna and Radhika is in Simlapal Bankura District. West Bengal State in India. Bagri Krishnanagar Old Temple of The Great Lord Krishna and Radhika Pincode is 721121 ( Amlagora ) . Near by railway Stations are Garhbeta Bogri Road . It is in 52 Km distance to […]

Sarbamangala Temple

There are a number of temples in Garbeta but particular mention has to be made of the temple of Sarva Mangala. It is peculiar in having its door facing the north. According to the tradition, during the days of Maharaja Vikramaditya of Ujjain a yogi was wandering about in the thick of the forests and […]


Gangani The Grand Canyon of West Bengal Gangani is a natural canyon situated near the town of Garhbeta, in the Paschim Medinipur district of West Bengal. Gangani, also known as the The Grand Canyon of West Bengal, is almost 70 feet deep and is formed due to natural erosion of the Shilabati River. Due to […]